Lawsuit Against Piqua by Mike Sherry, Upper Valley Medical Center and Scott Reardon Will Hurt Piqua’s and Miami County’s Economy
New “Piqua Digs Job” Campaign Launched to Set the Record Straight and Defend the Region’s Reputation as a Jobs-Friendly Place to Raise a Family, Work and Do Business
PIQUA (November 11, 2022) – The Miami County Common Pleas Court has given Piqua Materials – the more than 150-year-old local road and building construction materials producer – the right to help defend the City of Piqua against an anti-jobs lawsuit filed by Mike Sherry, the Upper Valley Medical Center and Scott Reardon.
The group’s lawsuit against Piqua seeks to block the city’s decision regarding the new Piqua Cornerstone Commerce Park, a new 800-acre facility located east of the Miami River that is expected to create as many as 2,200 new jobs and generate $1.5 million in new tax dollars for the City of Piqua.
“The men and women of Piqua Materials are grateful that the Court has allowed us to stand up for our company’s 150-year-old reputation as a good community member, as well as to stand up for our city’s reputation as a good place to raise a family and work,” said Dennis Garrison, CEO of Piqua Materials. “Mike Sherry, the Upper Valley Medical Center and Scott Reardon have been telling some tall tales to try and scare people and, well, we’re going to set the record straight on that as well.”
The Piqua Cornerstone Commerce Park will include 200 acres for eventual use as a quarry for highway and building materials, but most of the space–approximately 600 acres–will be used for a new, state-of-the-art 4.6 million square commerce park. A job-creation effort of this large size will be a major new opportunity for economic growth for both Piqua and the entire region. Attacking the project, however, as the lawsuit is doing, risks harming Piqua’s reputation as a good place to invest in business growth.
Garrison said Piqua Materials has also launched a new public awareness campaign – PIQUA DIGS JOBS – to debunk misleading statements that are being spread and supported by Sherry, the Upper Valley Medical Center and Reardon. In addition to correcting false statements about health and safety issues, the campaign will also help remind people of the positive role that Piqua Materials has played for more than 150 years supplying the materials that have helped build our city and region (including the Upper Valley Medical Center and various Sherry enterprises.)
Residents are encouraged to visit to learn more about the company’s commitment to responsible economic development and their strong health and safety record.
“We’re launching the PIQUA DIGS JOBS campaign and helping defend our city because it’s the right thing to do. It’s not ok to say misleading things about the men and women of our company nor to hurt our city’s reputation. We’re looking forward to vigorously standing up for our community for however long it takes,” said Garrison.
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